COR™ 2020 Eligibility Requirements
The COR™ program requires the organization to have an active Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) account in good standing. Organizations having more than one account, and who intend to have several of their accounts participating in COR™, must register each account separately by providing IHSA with the corresponding WSIB account numbers. Only those accounts that are registered under COR™ will be audited. Each WSIB account registered in COR™ must independently achieve its own COR™.
The organization must have a Senior Management* representative(s) designated to oversee the occupational health and safety management system (OHSMS). This program must contain the elements required by IHSA’s COR™ program and be in place for at least one year prior to conducting the initial internal audit. Documents and records from the previous year provide evidence of the implementation of your program and will be reviewed during an audit. For purposes of the audit, the evidence provided must have been created within the 12-month period prior to the audit submission date.
The organization must designate a member of Senior Management* to oversee the COR™ audit process.
*Senior Management: Person(s) at the highest level of an organization’s structure responsible for leading, managing and/or directing an organization’s day-to-day activities and/or operations.
Audit Meeting
Provide a detailed process plan to the Client, to identify the required steps to be taken to achieve COR™
Gap Analysis
A gap analysis is used to evaluate an employer’s current Health and Safety Management System practices.
Implement a system by establishing commitment through leadership, worker participation, creating a health and safety policy, setting objectives, identifying and assessing health and safety risks.
Check, monitor and evaluate the planned system. Ensure the objectives and targets of the health and safety policy and program are being met and maintained at all times.