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Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7

Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7

From: $299.99

Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7 Temporary Conditions  (O.T.M.BK-7-01)

Course Duration: 8:00 AM-2:00 PM (6Hours)

Please refer to course details below for more information.


Ontario Traffic Manual Book 7 Temporary Conditions:

Course Code: OTMBK7-01

This course provides training on Ontario Traffic Manual’s Book 7 (Temporary Conditions) and has been developed to provide participants with the basic uniform requirements for traffic control in work zones during roadway or utility construction and maintenance operations on or adjacent to public highways including ramps and municipal roads and streets, as well as other public ways to which road traffic has access.

The O.T.M Book 7 training course is designed to ensure compliance with the Ontario Traffic Manual- Book 7 (Temporary Conditions) and the O.Reg. 213/91- Construction Projects (S.67-69 “Traffic Control”). Participants will receive training on the safe work procedures and requirements for the various work locations (ex. shoulder work, lane encroachment), work duration’s and roadway environments. This course will also provide instruction on completing a site assessment and selecting the adequate protective devices necessary for protecting workers, public motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.

Course Modules Include:

  • An Introduction to Book 7
  • Legislation
  • Temporary Work Zones
  • Roadway Environments
  • Configurations for Temporary Conditions
  • Component Areas
  • Road User Considerations
  • Traffic Control Devices
  • Signage
  • Traffic Control Persons
  • Implementation of Traffic Control
  • Set Up and Removal of Temporary Conditions

Participant Evaluation:
Participants will be evaluated throughout the duration of the course through class participation/discussion and a final written evaluation. The written evaluation is completed at the end of the course, participants must receive at least 75% to be successful.

Record of Training:
1.Documented participation and verifying objectives
2.Registered Participant Training Card
3.Electronic copy of participant training records sent to the employer
4.Certification is valid for three years from date of issue

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