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Trenching & Ground Disturbance (TRGD-01)

Trenching & Ground Disturbance (TRGD-01)

From: $299.99

Trenching & Ground Disturbance (TRGD-01):

Course Length: 5 Hours

Refer below for additional course details.


Trenching and Ground Disturbance 

Course Code (TRGD-01):

This course is designed to provide workers with the knowledge of the legislative requirements and to develop an understanding of the safe work procedures for trenching work.
Trenching Safety will inform workers about the many hazards associated with trenching such as cave in’s and how to prevent such hazards from occurring. Upon successful completion of Trenching Safety, workers will have gained a thorough understanding of how to perform trench work safely, recognize hazards and control the hazards identified.

Training Objectives:
This course is designed to meet and exceed compliance with O.Reg. 213/91 Construction Projects- Part III Excavations and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Participants will receive training on the legislative requirements, hazards, safe work procedures and protective systems used in trench work.
Training Modules include:
1. An Introduction to Trenching Safety
2. Legislative Requirements
3. Soil Types
4. Cave-In’s
5. Support & Protective Systems
6. Additional Trenching Hazards
7. Locating Utilities
8. Safe Work Procedures
9. Emergency Procedures & Rescue

Participant Evaluation
Participants will be evaluated over the course of the training through class participation/discussion and a final written evaluation. The written evaluation is completed at the end of the course, participants must receive 75% to be successful.

Record of Training:
1. Documented participation and verifying objectives
2. Registered Participant Training Card
3. Electronic copy of participant training records sent to the employer
4. Certification is valid for three years from date of issue

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