"Your Safety Is Our Business"
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Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials

“The Instructor was extremely knowledgeable with the Working at Heights training bar none the best training we have had. We didn’t have to wait for a class to open, Paramount offers this course five days per week. I would highly recommend calling Paramount Safety Consulting”. Thank you so much.

John, Construction Supervisor, Toronto, Ontario

“Paramount is awesome……….Working at Heights training was incredible, the staff is courteous, reliable, and above all professional. I would highly recommend calling Paramount Safety Consulting”. Thank you Mr. Scipione.

Debbie, Site Administrator, Burlington, Ontario

“Very professional, courteous, knowledgeable, and reliable.”

Peter, Construction Site Superintendent, Kitchener, Ontario

“We needed our Health and Safety policies updated and didn’t know what to do. We called Paramount Safety to help. Within four months, we noticed a big change in the safety culture at our shop. Call the folks at Paramount Safety Consulting, they know exactly what to do, and are affordable”

Michael, Plant Manager, Hamilton, Ontario

I recommend Paramount Safety Consulting for all your Health and Safety needs. Call and ask for Ben

Brian, Construction Supervisor, Niagara on the Lake

When we recruited and hired 80+ inexperienced craft to fill a short but intensive contract Ben was there onsite exclusively while we needed him and walked us through a possible hazardous endeavor and seemed to keep his attentions always focused on my firms best interests and the safety of all our new and valuable employees.

Robert (RJ), Supervisor, Simcoe, Ontario 

I wouldn’t have any other safety consultant, Ben really knows his stuff and can always be counted on!

Domenic, Construction Company Owner, Toronto, Ontario 

“I have never had such a pleasant experience during a training seminar” Thank you Kristie

Jerald, Roofing Contractor, Mississauga, Ontario

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